As an extension of the Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment under different phases of MTCTE regime (2017), the application submission and compulsory certification date for products (ERs) covered under Phase V of MTCTE is informed as below:
Acceptance of applications on MTCTE portal: w.e.f: 01.07.2023.
Certification becomes Mandatory: w.e.f: 01.07.2024.
The list of products (ERs) covered under Phase V of MTCTE with ILAC report acceptance up to 30.06.2024 from non-border sharing countries for technical parameters only are as the followings:
1. Base Station for 5G Cellular Network.
2. 5G Core.
3. Hypervisor.
4. E-band Fixed Radio Relay Systems.
5. Converged Multi Service Application Access Equipment (C-MSAAE).
6. IP Terminal.
7. Hybrid Set Top Box.
Reminder: As on the date of application of test reports, the validity of test reports/results approved by foreign labs certified by ILAC signatories from non-border sharing countries for technical parameters only shall be two years at most regarding the above products (ERs).