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Products under India MTCTE Phase V (2023-June-29)


Updated: Oct 24, 2023

As an extension of the Testing and Certification of Telecommunication Equipment under different phases of MTCTE regime (2017), the application submission and compulsory certification date for products (ERs) covered under Phase V of MTCTE is informed as below:

  • Acceptance of applications on MTCTE portal: w.e.f: 01.07.2023.

  • Certification becomes Mandatory: w.e.f: 01.07.2024.

The list of products (ERs) covered under Phase V of MTCTE with ILAC report acceptance up to 30.06.2024 from non-border sharing countries for technical parameters only are as the followings:

1. Base Station for 5G Cellular Network.

2. 5G Core.

3. Hypervisor.

4. E-band Fixed Radio Relay Systems.

5. Converged Multi Service Application Access Equipment (C-MSAAE).

6. IP Terminal.

7. Hybrid Set Top Box.

Reminder: As on the date of application of test reports, the validity of test reports/results approved by foreign labs certified by ILAC signatories from non-border sharing countries for technical parameters only shall be two years at most regarding the above products (ERs).


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