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  • 製品の承認に関する関連製品規格は何ですか?
    製品規格とは、規格の対象となる試験装置、試験の目的、方法、評価、工程、制限などを定めた規則を意味します。その主な機能は、製品が国内および/または国際的な必須要件を満たしていることを確認することです。関連製品規格とは、その製品に固有の規格を意味します。たとえば、CE EN300328 は wifi 802.11b 製品用です。
  • 自分の製品または他社の製品の現地代理店になることはできますか?
  • GMA は製品承認に関して何を表しますか?
    GMAはグローバルマーケットアクセスを意味します。製品承認事業の国際承認。一般的な承認以外のものもカバーしています。たとえば、CE/FCC/IC/NCC。より簡単に言うと、GMA は世界的な製品承認を意味します。
  • 同じ製品でも、国ごとに異なる製品テストと承認が必要なのはなぜですか?
    使用可能、使用不可、許可、禁止……無線周波数は、製品承認に関して世界中の国の間ですべてが調和しているわけではありません。この違いは、歴史上の戦争によって引き起こされました。デコードは、戦争中の大きな問題です。したがって、最初の基本的な解決策は、相手と比較して異なる無線周波数を使用することです。これが軍隊にとって基本的で重要な選択肢になると。それらはこれらの無線周波数を占有します。一般的な状況では、無線周波数を使用するビジネスおよびその他の目的は、利用可能な残りの無線周波数を選択します。ここから、国間の周波数の違いと調和のとれていない周波数が生まれます。無線周波数を統一している国もあれば、そうでない国もあります。主な理由の 1 つは、戦争の影響を受けたことです。
  • IA は製品承認に関して何を表しますか?
    IAとは、製品の国際承認、承認事業を意味します。 一般的な承認以外のものもカバーしています。たとえば、CE/FCC/IC/NCC。 より簡単に言うと、IA は世界的な製品承認を意味します。
  • 製品承認に関するIOT製品とは何ですか?
    IOT、つまりモノのインターネットは、市場で最も人気のあるトピックです。また、製品の承認については、IOT とは、製品が他のデバイスとリンク、通信、制御、連携、または対話するためのインターネット ネットワーク機能を備えていることを意味します。製品承認の観点からは 2 つの重要なポイントがあります。 1. デバイスは有線または無線のインターネット機能を備えています。 2. デバイスが製品規格の複数のカテゴリに該当する可能性が高くなります。たとえば、IOT医療機器です。これは、ワイヤレス、ネットワーキング、および医療製品のカテゴリに分類されます。製品規格の 2 つのカテゴリを満たす必要があります。つまり、このデバイスが製品承認を受ける際には、必要なテストと効率的なスケジュールを確実にカバーするために、より適切なテスト計画が必要になります。 Glodacert は、製品承認の経験において多くの IoT 顧客をサポートしてきました。私たちはあなたのプロジェクトをサポートする準備ができています。
  • ワイヤレス製品の周波数が、製品承認に関して各国間で統一されていないのはなぜですか?
    はい、いいえ。はい、承認に必要なすべての書類を準備できます。そして、必要な申請書を見つけて記入してください。その後、公証機関に送付します。しかし、ほとんどの場合、このプロセスは非常に複雑です。また、必要な書類など、多くの質問に直面することになります。書類の詳細はどのように準備する必要がありますか?申請書の記入方法は?そして、誰にあなたのプロジェクトを提出しますか? Glodacert で行うよりもはるかに時間がかかります。さらに、ほとんどの場合、自分でテストを実行することはできません。認定されたテストラボが必要なので。したがって、作業の一部は自分で行うことができます。しかし、すべてを自分で行うのは効率的ではなく、簡単ではありません。
  • 製品試験・製品承認に関するデバッグとは?
    デバッグは、製品テスト中に技術的な問題を修正および修正するソリューションとしての活動です。製品は最高の機能と性能を発揮するように設計されています。ただし、各輸入国は、輸入製品を管理するための独自のルールと製品基準を定義し、持っています。規則と製品規格の中核となる精神は、主に健康と安全、電磁適合性、有害な干渉の回避などに関連しています。そのため、製品テスト中に多くの矛盾が発生する可能性があります。したがって、デバッグは製品承認中の非常に重要なトピックです。コストとリードタイムに大きく影響するため。 Glodacert は、研究開発段階から世界的な承認までワンストップ サービスを提供します。承認プロセス全体を通してサポートいたします。
  • 製品承認に関する無線試験の目的は何ですか?
    ワイヤレス テストは、ラボが関連するワイヤレス製品規格を参照するテストです 製品のワイヤレス部分のテストを実行します。テスト標準は、テスト項目と評価が満たされる必要があるルールを示します。たとえば、許可/禁止されている無線周波数とその最大送信電力、無線の技術的特性を評価する方法、むしろそれが有害な干渉を引き起こすかどうかなどです。
  • GPC は製品承認に関して何を表していますか?
    GPC は、グローバル製品コンプライアンスを意味します。製品承認事業の国際承認。一般的な承認以外のものもカバーしています。たとえば、CE/FCC/IC/NCC。より簡単に言うと、GPC は世界的な製品の承認を意味します。
  • 製品承認に関するテストラボとは何ですか?
    テスト ラボは、これらの製品をテストする場所です。テスト ラボは、そのテスト結果が認証機関によって正式に承認される前に、認定 (ISO/IEC 17025 など) を取得する必要があります。テスト ラボには、認定されたテスト スコープもあります。たとえば、有線製品 (無線機能なし) のテストのみを実行できるテスト ラボもあれば、有線および無線製品のテストを実行できるテスト ラボもあります。
  • 製品に正しい製品承認を適用するにはどうすればよいですか?
    まず、製品仕様が正しいことを確認する必要があります。また、製品を販売したい輸入国はどこですか?その後、Glodercert が必要なすべての手順を案内します。確認が必要な重要な情報があります。たとえば、製品の主な機能は何ですか?無線か有線か?対象ユーザーは?この製品を使用する主な場所はどこですか?この製品にはどのような技術が使用されていますか?これらすべての情報が確認された後、適用される正しい基準、効率的なテスト計画、および製品承認に関連するその他すべての情報を見つけます。
  • 製品の承認を自分で処理できますか?
    はい、いいえ。はい、承認に必要なすべての書類を準備できます。そして、必要な申請書を見つけて記入してください。その後、公証機関に送付します。しかし、ほとんどの場合、このプロセスは非常に複雑です。また、必要な書類など、多くの質問に直面することになります。書類の詳細はどのように準備する必要がありますか?申請書の記入方法は?そして、誰にあなたのプロジェクトを提出しますか? Glodacert で行うよりもはるかに時間がかかります。さらに、ほとんどの場合、自分でテストを実行することはできません。認定されたテストラボが必要なので。したがって、作業の一部は自分で行うことができます。しかし、すべてを自分で行うのは効率的ではなく、簡単ではありません。
  • 製品の承認とは何ですか?
  • 一部の国では、製品の承認に関して現地代理人が必要なのはなぜですか?
    海外企業で、製品を輸入国に販売するための承認を取得したい場合は、現地代理人が必要です。そして、あなたが海外の会社であるという理由だけで、いくつかの重要な通知や問題があなたに連絡する必要がある場合、地元の会社に連絡するのは簡単ではありません.したがって、一部の国では、海外の申請者に現地の代理人を提供し、現地の連絡窓口として機能するように求めています。一部の海外企業は、支店を使用しています。輸入国に支店を持たずに、輸入業者を現地の代理人として利用することを選択する人もいます。ただし、このオプションは、私たちの経験では多くの問題と競合を引き起こします。したがって、この問題を回避するために、Glodacert は現地代理人サービスも提供しています。これにより、多くのお客様が承認をより効率的に行うことができます。
  • 製品の承認に関する認証機関とは?
    認証機関は、関連する認定 (ISO/IEC 17065 など) を取得した企業です。そのため、テスト ラボと申請者からのテスト レポートとドキュメントを確認できます。次に、関連する必須要件と基準に従って、製品承認のための関連証明書を発行します。認証機関は、その認証範囲の認定も取得する必要があります。たとえば、米国の証明書しか発行できない認証機関もあれば、米国、日本、カナダを発行できる認証機関もあります。医療機器の証明書を発行できる認証機関もあれば、無線機器の証明書しか発行できない認証機関もあります。製品の承認と認証を受ける予定がある場合は、正しい認証機関を選択してください。
  • 製品承認に関する EMC 試験の目的は何ですか?
    EMC (電磁適合性)。これには、EMI (電磁干渉) と EMS (電磁感受性) が含まれます。 EMI は、製品がスタンバイ モードまたは電源オン モードのときに意図せず発生します。製品自体の場合は EMI です。近くに他の製品があると、EMI の影響を受けます。 EMSです。 EMC における互換性は、次の例のように説明できます。あるパーティが意図せずにパーティ B をパンチ (EMI) します (パーティ B の場合、EMS です)。いずれかの当事者が意図せずに相手を殴った場合。殴る強さ(例:パーティA)とパンチに耐える能力(例:パーティB)は、すべてルールと基準を満たしています。それから規格/規則の下では、それは電子製品にとって互換性のある世界です。製品は他の製品と互換性があります。
  • TWSイヤフォンのBIS承認プロセスとルールは何ですか?
    TWS イヤホン製品は、次の 2 つの BIS 認証カテゴリに分類されます。 1.パワーバンク (充電ケース) 2.ワイヤレス イヤホン (イヤフォン) また、BIS 証明書を取得するために必要な 4 つの項目があり、順序に従う必要があります: ​ A.充電ケースとイヤホンに使用されるバッテリーセル: 最初の BIS B.ケースとイヤフォンの充電に使用されるバッテリー: 2 番目の BIS >>注意: B が既に BIS によって認証されている場合、A と B を再申請する必要はありません C.充電ケース: 3 番目の BIS D.イヤフォン: 4 番目の BIS この順序に従わなければならない理由は、重要なコンポーネントの承認規則によるものです。
  • 製品承認に関する安全性試験の目的は何ですか?
    安全性テストは、ユーザーの環境で製品がユーザーによって安全に使用されることを確認することです。また、製品規格により、使用者の周囲の環境に危険を及ぼすことはありません。安全性試験にはさまざまな規格があります。たとえば、UL、CE、IEC 規格。主な目的は、製品のユーザーにとって安全であることを確認することです。
  • 製品承認に関する必須要件は何ですか?
    必須要件とは、国内および国際的な製品承認のための基本的かつ最も重要な値を意味します。根幹の精神です。たとえば、CE ワイヤレス製品の必須要件の主要項目: 健康と安全、電磁適合性、および有害な干渉の回避。まさに憲法のようなものです。すべての法律は、その核となる精神に従います。そして、分野ごとに異なる法律。製品承認では、すべての規格が必須要件に従っています。また、さまざまなタイプの製品には、それぞれに固有の基準があります。
  • What is Taiwan BSMI approval?
    BSMI is the English abbreviation of the Bureau of Standard, Metrology and Inspection (Bureau of Standard, Metrology and Inspection) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, starting from July 1, 2005, all products produced by domestic manufacturers or imported from abroad will obtain BSMI after passing the inspection. Certificates can only be obtained from domestic market sales displays. Therefore, Taiwan certification is compulsory certification and the National Standard CNS specification of the Republic of China has been formulated to implement electromagnetic compatibility and safety requirements control. What are the products and specifications controlled by BSMI? Please refer to the following link on the BSMI website for electronic item details and specifications: BSMI certificates can be divided into the following three types: 1. Type Approved Batch Inspection, TABI Products announced as batch-by-batch inspection items subject to type approval, imported and domestically sold products must first obtain a test report from a laboratory designated by the BSMI and apply for the product type from the BSMI. According to regulations, you must obtain a "Commodity Type Approval Certificate" before submitting for inspection. After obtaining the certificate, you can apply for batch-by-batch inspection with a photocopy of the certificate. 2. Registration of Product Certification, RPC If the product is announced as a verification registration inspection item subject to type approval, imported and domestic products must first obtain a test report from the laboratory designated by BSMI and apply for the product type from BSMI. According to regulations, you must first obtain the "Verification Login Accreditation Certificate" before applying for inspection. After obtaining the certificate, you can apply for verification and login with a photocopy of the certificate. 3. Declaration of Conformity, DOC If a product is announced as a conformity statement inspection item that is subject to type approval, the test should be conducted at a laboratory accredited by BSMI. Relevant technical documents must be prepared, a declaration of conformity signed, and an inspection mark attached to the product. Ready for sale. Updated on 2023.4.24 (based on BSMI Conformance Meeting Minutes in February 2023) The product has been announced as a conformity declaration inspection item subject to type approval: 1. The test report must be issued by the laboratory designated by the Bureau (domestic). It is the type test report of the product. It is no different from the type test report for verification registration or type approval, so it is the one mentioned in the letter of the Bureau dated July 21, 2011. For the scope of type test reports, designated laboratories need to upload type test reports, test records and related technical documents. 2. In addition to uploading type test reports and original test records (raw data) for declaration of conformity cases, the relevant technical documents uploaded must at least include "specific specifications of designated laboratories for information products" and "specific specifications of designated laboratories for electromagnetic compatibility" , "Specific specifications for designated laboratories for electrical and electronic products" and "Specific specifications for designated laboratories for terrestrial digital television receivers" and other technical documents with content requirements. 3. The declaration of conformity will adopt a registration system, that is, before importing goods, the operator must first register through the bureau's system, fill in the 16-digit designated number of the bureau's test report, and check that the designated laboratory has completed the upload of the report before the declaration of conformity can be produced. The certificate must be signed and a customs clearance certificate number must be obtained before importing, so the designated laboratory must upload a test report with a declaration of conformity; this plan is applicable to the inspection regulations for new products to be inspected in the future. Currently, there are no electrical and electronic products that will be inspected for compliance. Declaration of plans for registration system. Note: BSMI stated that since the declaration of conformity is for the industry to ensure that its products meet the standards on its own, the inspection agency is exempted from the intervention of inspection operations, and the pre-market inspection of products is changed to a market supervision management method. Therefore, the Bureau will strengthen the supervision of market products. Conduct random inspections and checks to eliminate products that violate regulations and escape inspection. What are the rules for BSMI label marking (R /D /T ) for verification registration, type approval and declaration of conformity? What are the product inspection fees, annual fees and extension time operations? Registration of Product Certification (RPC) Single model: inspection fee NTD 5,000 yuan; annual fee NTD 5,000 yuan There are series models (minimum of more than two): inspection fee NTD 8,000 yuan, annual fee NTD 5,000 yuan Extension time: once every three years (extended at most once, for a total of six years) (conditional test standards remain unchanged) Product type approval - batch-by-batch inspection (Type Approved Batch Inspection, TABI) Single model: inspection fee NTD 3500; annual fee NTD 0 yuan There are series models (no limit on models): inspection fee NTD 5,000; no annual fee Extension time: unlimited (testing standards remain unchanged) Declaration of Conformity (DOC) Single model or series of models (not limited to models): No inspection fees and annual fees Extension time: No extension required (testing standards remain unchanged) What are the domestic and foreign labs recognized by BSMI for ISO9000: How to prepare the application documents for authorized customs clearance import for verification of registration certificate goods? Application document: -"Product Verification Login Application Form", download the verification login stand-alone program from the BSMI website, enter the data and print the output application form. -Verify login application data login program (save the above stand-alone version of the verification login program for inputting application data into a flash drive or burn it to a CD). -Product verification and registration of import customs clearance authorization letter. -A copy of the authorized person's company registration certificate, business registration certificate, factory registration certificate or personal ID card. What documents are required for different types of projects? A) New project: Application documents (ex: product verification registration application form) For-profit enterprise registration certificate Laboratory accreditation documents EMC report/Safety report information B) Series project: Application documents (ex: product verification registration application form) For-profit enterprise registration certificate Laboratory accreditation documents Series cutting book EMC report information/Safety report information C) Verification project: Application documents (ex: product verification registration application form) For-profit enterprise registration certificate Laboratory accreditation documents Approval letter EMC report information/Safety report information D) Extended project: Application documents (ex: product verification registration application form) For-profit enterprise registration certificate Laboratory accreditation documents original certificate
  • What is Taiwan NCC approval?
    NCC is the English abbreviation of The National Communications Commission, formerly known as the General Administration of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Transport. It has been actively participating in APEC TEL MRA related activities promoted by the Asian Pacific Economic Committee on behalf of our country, and was the first to participate in the "First Phase Mutual Recognition of Testing Laboratories and Mutual Acceptance" One of the countries with testing reporting procedures. In order to assist domestic telecommunications operators and build a good domestic certification/verification environment, the NCC revised telecommunications-related regulations and started private organizations to engage in product verification and certification business from January 1, 1991. The main responsibilities are to control the communication and information equipment circulated and used in the Taiwan market: 1. LPE: Low Power Equipment, which is low-power equipment (for example: Bluetooth, WIFI equipment); 2. TTE: Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, which is communication terminal equipment (for example: mobile phones, tablet devices). What products need to comply with NCC certification? 1. Low-power radio frequency motors with operating frequencies from 9kHz to 300GHz, such as: wireless network (WLAN) products (including IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax), UNII, Bluetooth products, RFID, ZigBee, Wireless keyboards, wireless mice, wireless earphones and microphones, radio walkie-talkies, radio remote control toys, various radio remote controls, various wireless anti-theft devices, etc. 2. Public switched telephone network equipment (PSTN) products, such as wired telephones (including VOIP Internet phones), automatic alarm equipment, answering machines, fax machines, remote control devices, wired telephones and wireless master and slave units, and touch-tone telephone systems , data equipment (including ADSL equipment), incoming call display terminal equipment, 2.4GHz radio frequency telecommunications terminal equipment, etc. 3. Land mobile communication network equipment (PLMN) products, such as wireless broadband access mobile station equipment (WiMAX mobile terminal equipment), third, fourth and fifth generation mobile communication terminal equipment (ex, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile phones), etc. What are the categories of NCC product certification? 1. Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Scope: Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) Applicable standards: Technical specifications for mobile communications and telecommunications terminal equipment (all PLMN projects) New Radio (NR) Terminal Equipment (Frequency Band FR1) (PLMN12) Narrowband terminal equipment (PLMN11) Long Term Evolution (LTE) Terminal Equipment (PLMN10) Wideband code division multiplex access frequency division duplex (WCDMA FDD) terminal equipment (PLMN08) New Radio (NR) Terminal Equipment (Frequency Band FR2) 2.Controlled Telecommunication Radio-Frequency 2-1.Scope:Low-power radio-frequency devices Applicable standards: Technical specifications for low-power radio frequency equipment (LP0002) project: Low-power radio frequency equipment with an operating frequency below 1GHz, except wireless information transmission equipment or equipment using frequency hopping or digital modulation Low-power radio frequency equipment with an operating frequency exceeding 1GHz, except for wireless information transmission equipment or equipment using frequency hopping or digital modulation Wireless information transmission equipment or low-power radio frequency equipment using frequency hopping or digital modulation Low-power radio frequency equipment projects that implement a simplified declaration of conformity in accordance with the NCC announcement (telecommunications controlled radio frequency equipment projects that implement a simplified declaration of conformity) 2-2.Scope:Mobile Broadband Base Station Radio Frequency Equipment Applicable standards: Technical specifications for mobile communication base station radio frequency equipment (IS all projects) New Radio (NR) Base Station RF Equipment (Band FR1) (IS2051) Long Term Evolution (LTE) base station radio frequency equipment (IS2050) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) base station radio frequency equipment (IS2038) New Radio (NR) Base Station RF Equipment (Frequency Band FR2) What are the categories of telecommunications terminal equipment products? 1.) Public switched telephone network equipment (PSTN) wired telephones (including VOIP Internet telephones), automatic alarm equipment, answering machines, fax machines, teletypewriters, remote control devices, wired telephones and wireless master and auxiliary machines, users Prepare your own private exchange, key phone system, computer telephone integration equipment, data equipment (ADSL terminal equipment and splitter), incoming call display terminal equipment, 2.4GHz radio frequency telecommunications terminal equipment, DS1/T1/E1 terminal equipment, etc. 2.) Land mobile communication network equipment (PLMN) radio calling system terminal equipment, mobile data terminal equipment, relay wireless telephone, GSM mobile phone and terminal equipment, DCS1800 mobile phone and terminal equipment, third generation Mobile communication terminal equipment. 3.) Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) ISDN digital telephone, ISDN PC add-on card, ISDN G4 fax machine, ISDN video telephone, ISDN terminal adapter, ISDN terminal adapter module, ISDN PABX, others ISDN user terminal equipment, etc. What products do low-power radio frequency products include? Wireless network (WLAN) products (such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n), UMII, Bluetooth products, RFID (125kHz~134kHz, 13.56MHz, 27MHz, 922MHz~928MHz, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz), ZigBee , wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, wireless headset microphone, radio intercom, radio remote control toys, various radio remote controls, various wireless anti-theft devices, Family Radio Service (FRS), etc. What is the format of the NCC conformity mark? What are the precautions for label production? 1. There is no fixed size specified. It should be labeled or printed on the device body in an appropriate proportion. There is no maximum/minimum size requirement. The principle is to be clear. 2. This NCC mark, together with the certification number, should be attached to the product in accordance with regulations. Its color and frequency should be single and must be clear and easy to identify. 3. Handle in accordance with Article 16 of the Measures for Inspection of Telecom Terminal Equipment and Article 16 of the Measures for Inspection of Telecommunications Controlled Radio Frequency Equipment. 4. If the main body is too small to be marked, it should be marked on the smallest unit package. 5. For telecommunications terminal equipment, telecommunications control equipment and cable radio and television terminals that have been inspected and approved by the center, the manufacturer submitting for inspection should make their own labels according to the inspection certificate/conformity statement label format provided in the approval certificate/audit certificate. It can only be sold if it is affixed or printed on the appropriate position of the device body. 6. In order to meet the needs of Taiwan's trade facilitation customs clearance, the inspection and certification label format for telecommunications controlled radio frequency equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment will be revised as follows from January 1, 1995: From January 1, 1994, low-power products that obtained inspection and approval numbers before December 31, 1994 For radio frequency motors and wireless telecommunications terminal equipment, if it is necessary to convert the inspection number to the new coding method of 1995 (customs clearance code). Precautions: Conclusions of the 78th Consistency Meeting-Announcement Manual Marking (Proposal No. 11001471) Conclusion of the 78th Conformance Meeting - Announcement of body marking verification label or declaration of conformity label and its model (Proposal No. 11001472) NCC conformity label or declaration of conformity label format production example (low power radio frequency equipment)? CC: is a fixed code used to distinguish the type of equipment imported for customs declaration. XX: Table verification agency (institution) code xx: table year: 2019 is represented by 19, 2020 is represented by 20, and so on. YY: table equipment type: LP: low power radio frequency equipment Y1: Complete RF module (component) Y2: Restricted RF module (component) yyy: table serial number: increasing sequentially from 001~999 to AAA~ZZZ each year. Z: Table series number: 0: Non-series products with type certification; 1-9 or A-Z: Series products with table type certification. Z: table verification method: T: Type Approval; C: Declaration of Conformity; E: Simple Declaration of Conformity W: Check code Example of NCC conformity label or declaration of conformity label format production (telecom terminal equipment)? CC: is a fixed code used to distinguish the type of equipment imported for customs declaration. XX: Table verification agency (institution) code xx: table year: 2019 is represented by 19, 2020 is represented by 20, and so on. YY: table equipment type: 3G: WCDMA FDD terminal equipment; 4G: LTE terminal equipment; 5G: NR terminal equipment; B1: xDSL telecommunications terminal equipment; B2: Telecommunications terminal equipment with modem function; BS: cable broadcast and television terminal equipment; C1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with incoming call display function; E1: 1880MHz to 1895MHz wireless private switching system and terminal equipment; F1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with fax machine function; GS: mobile satellite terminal equipment; HA: Telecom terminal equipment with hearing aid function; I1: ISDN user telecommunications terminal equipment; IP: fixed communication multimedia content transmission platform terminal equipment; K1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with touch-tone telephone system function; M1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with modem function; MD: mobile data device; NB: narrowband terminal equipment; OP: Other PSTN functional products; P1: Telecom terminal equipment with switch function; PL: personal positioning radio beacon; R1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with line telephone, wireless master and slave functions; R2: 2.4GHz telecommunications terminal equipment; S1: DS1 telecommunications terminal equipment; SS: satellite small earth station; T1: Telecommunications terminal equipment with telephone function; Y0: Non-plug and play restricted communication module; Z1: Others…. yyy: table serial number: increasing sequentially from 001~999 to AAA~ZZZ each year. Z: Table series number: 0: Non-series products with type certification; 1-9 or A-Z: Series products with table type certification. Z: table verification method: T: Type Approval; C: Declaration of Conformity; E: Simple Declaration of Conformity W: Check code What is the NCC certification process? 1. The client provides product information and provides an evaluation quote. 2. The client confirms the quotation, fills in the application form, and provides samples, materials, etc. to facilitate the case opening. 3. Arrange product testing and review relevant information 4. If there are any problems with the test or related documents, follow-up arrangements will be made for rectification and retesting until the test is qualified. 5. After passing the test, a test report will be issued and the relevant application preparation documents will be attached and submitted to the certification authority for review. 6. The issuing agency will issue a qualified NCC certificate after passing the review (without any discussion) and provide it to the client. 7. Provide the NCC certificate and test report electronic files and invoices to the client to complete the project. NAre there any matters that need to be paid attention to in the NCC certification process? 1. Applicants must first conduct testing by themselves at a testing unit recognized by the National Communications Commission (e.g.: Telecommunications Technology Center). After obtaining the test report, submit the application form and technical information to the verification unit (e.g.: Telecommunications Technology Center). Apply for certification. 2. During the execution of the verification service, the applicant is required to agree to provide relevant personal information, including: name, date of birth, unified national identity card number, contact information, etc. This center will keep the aforementioned personal information in a safe place. If you have any needs for access, addition, deletion, or correction, you can write directly to the service mailbox, and our center will handle it for you as soon as possible. Manufacturers applying for mobile phone inspection should pay attention to the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act when collecting, processing or using personal data on mobile phones, and inform consumers of the possibility of collecting, processing or using personal data generated by using mobile phones. What documents are required for NCC application? In accordance with the "Telecommunications Controlled Radio Frequency Equipment Verification and Management Measures" authorized by Article 66, Paragraph 5 of the Telecommunications Management Law, those applying for type certification of telecommunications controlled radiofrequency equipment or non-plug and play radiofrequency modules (components) should attach the following documents Apply to the verification agency (institution) for paper or electronic files: 1. Application form for type certification of telecommunications controlled radio frequency equipment. 2. User manual or instructions in traditional Chinese or English. 3. Specifications in traditional Chinese or English. 4. Circuit diagram or circuit block diagram. 5. Inspection report of equipment samples. 6. Color photos of equipment samples, external power supplies and accessories measuring 4×6 inches or more. The brand and model must be clearly legible. Equipment samples must be six-sided photos. 7. At least two sided color photos of the inside of the equipment sample and the circuit board of 4×6 inches or more with rulers. The main components of the circuit board must be clearly legible. 8. Applicants who are domestic natural persons should submit identification documents, and domestic legal persons, unincorporated groups or foreign manufacturers should submit relevant establishment documents. 9. Other verification-related information requested by the competent authority. 10. Electronic files, including the information in paragraphs 1 to 9. How to check certified radio electronic products on the NCC website? Check the type certification inquiry page of the NCC website ( to query relevant information about certified radio electronic products. The type certification inquiry webpage contains the brand, model, appearance photos, type certification number and other information of qualified radio electronic products. It is convenient for everyone to check and purchase qualified radio electronic products that have been type certified. Just enter the "type certification number", "manufacturer brand" ”, “Model” or select “Equipment Type” and other query conditions and steps such as “Confirmation Code” to get relevant information.
  • How is BSMI certification important for your business?
    The BSMI mark is a mandatory requirement before your product place to Taiwan market . Glodacert can help you comply with BSMI certification rule and provides assurance that it is in compliance with BSMI requirements and also will not be impounded at port of entry.
  • 台湾の電気および電子商品のBSMI認証タイプは何ですか?
    電気および電子商品の認証は、次の 3 つのスキームに従って行われます。 1、型式承認済み (TA) - 機械、化学、電気、電子製品 (3 年間有効)。 2、製品認証 (RPC) の登録 - 電気および電子製品用 (3 年間有効)。 3、適合宣言 (DoC) - IT 機器および電子製品のコンポーネント (有効期限なし)。
  • What is India TEC?
    Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) TEC is a technical body representing the interest of Department of Telecom, Government of India, prepare specification of common standards regarding Telecom network equipment, services, and interoperability. A TEC certificate is required for telecom equipment dealers to import, manufacture, and sell such equipment. The Telecommunication Engineering Centre issues this TEC certificate after the telecom equipment undergoes testing under the MTCTE (Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment) scheme. How many specifications for telecom equipment quality measures does TEC has? a. Generic Requirements (GRs) b. Interface Requirements (IRs) c. Service Requirements are the three types of specifications (SR). What is MTCTE ? Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE) The Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Act 2017 proposes that all telecommunications equipment exported to India or imported from India must undergo mandatory testing and certification before being used locally in India. All of the above need to be governed by this scheme: the Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE) in India. MTCTE aims to cover 55 telecommunications products, as well as other peripheral products derived from the above product categories. Only by performing tests in accordance with the laboratory regulations designated by TEC can you check whether the basic requirements of the equipment are met. A certificate is issued in accordance with TEC regulations and handled against the test report. Who can be the applicant for TEC? 1. Foreign OEM local Office in India. 2. Brand Owner office in India. 3. Distributor of Products in India. 4. Any third party company in India. What are the requirements for the TEC compliance Process? 1. Indian Manufacturer/Authorized Indian Representative of Foreign OEM/Brand Owner can apply On the TEC Portal. 2. Testing for Safety and EMC/EMI must be done in India at a Designated Lab of TEC, the test report for other Essential Requirements from a ILAC approved lab can be accepted only for some time Phase wise. 3. The testing of the product must be conducted as per the Essential Requirements issued by TEC for different Products. 4. Applicant shall provide TEC approval required documents. What are required documents for testing? 1. TRF: The customer must provide details in the TRF about the Applicant, Manufacturer and Product. 2. CDF/CCL: Will be shared once the product details are received. 3. Complete Installation and Operating User Manual. 4. Circuit Diagram. 5. PCB Layout. 6. Software used if any. 7. Product test set up SOP for EMC/EMI testing. 8. The Presence of a Technical Person of the Applicant Company may be required in lab for 3-4 days to conduct the installation and service support if needed for Technical Requirement testing. What are the document requirements for Indian Applicant Registration/ Indian OEM Registration? 1. Certificate of Incorporation of Indian Applicant Company. 2. Pan Card of the Indian Applicant Company. 3. MOA, AOA and Shareholding Pattern. 4. Authorized Signatory Name and Designation 5. Email address of the Authorized Signatory. 6. Phone Number of the Authorized Signatory. 7. Authorization Letter from the Director of Applicant Company in the name of Authorized signatory. (Annexure 3). What are the document requirements for Foreign OEM Registration? 1. MOU between Foreign OEM and Indian Applicant (AIR): (Annexure 1) 2. Name and address of the factories where the product will be manufactured. 3. AIR Authorization Letter for Indian Applicant. (Annexure 2) 4. Contact person Name and Designation of Foreign OEM. 5. Email id of Contact Person of Foreign OEM. 6. Phone Number of Foreign OEM. What are TEC labelling requirements ? Logo on the body of equipment at a prominent location. Indication of equipment conforming to ERs in its technical document. Certification e-label applicable only in the case of mobile handsets and tablets. The size of TEC logo may be reduced or enlarged maintaining the aspect ratio. What is the validity of TEC certificate? 10 years. Is TEC approval Mandatory? Yes Does TEC need a local testing? Yes Does TEC approval need the local representative? Yes What products are covered under MTCTE? What products are covered under Phase 1 of MTCTE? (TEC will adjust at any time according to the Indian market conditions for the following information and mandatory dates) What products are covered under Phase 2 of MTCTE? (TEC will adjust at any time according to the Indian market conditions for the following information and mandatory dates) What products are covered under Phase 3 of MTCTE? (TEC will adjust at any time according to the Indian market conditions for the following information and mandatory dates) What products are covered under Phase 4 of MTCTE? (TEC will adjust at any time according to the Indian market conditions for the following information and mandatory dates) What products are covered under Phase 5 of MTCTE? (TEC will adjust at any time according to the Indian market conditions for the following information and mandatory dates) D: FAQs: 1. Q: Is there a restriction on the number of associated models that can be included under one family? A: Number of associated models including the main model is restricted to 10 numbers. 2. Q: How many numbers of associated models along with main model can be included in a test report? A: The limit on 9 associated models + 1 main model is for applying on the MTCTE portal in a single application. For remaining associated models, a separate MTCTE application may be submitted with same main model. 3. Q: Will the BIS safety report be acceptable for MTCTE certification? A: Yes, valid BIS cert. or safety report from BIS Recognize labs issued against the Safety test standards as mentioned in the applicable Essential Requirements, under MTCTE scheme and the same may be updated on MTCTE portal against the respective Safety test parameter. 4. Q: What is TEC certificate number? A: A TEC Certificate Number is a unique ID obtained after the certification which can be used on the equipment’s to assure the consumers that the product follows the necessary specifications.
  • 韓国の MSIP 承認とは何ですか?
    MSIP 承認は、ワイヤレスおよびテレコム製品に対する韓国の製品承認です。イヤホン、Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT など。Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT MSIP 承認とも呼ばれます。 詳細については、当社のウェブサイトをご覧ください: またはお問い合わせ:
  • マレーシアの SIRIM 承認とは何ですか?
    SIRIM 承認は、ワイヤレスおよびテレコム製品に対するマレーシアの製品承認です。イヤホン、Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT など。Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT SIRIM 承認とも呼ばれます。 詳細については、当社のウェブサイトをご覧ください: またはお問い合わせ:
  • フィリピンの NTC 承認とは何ですか?
    NTC 承認は、ワイヤレスおよびテレコム製品に対するフィリピンの製品承認です。 イヤホン、Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、携帯電話、IOT など Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、携帯電話、IOT NTC 承認とも呼ばれます
  • タイの NBTC 承認とは何ですか?
    NBTC 承認は、ワイヤレスおよびテレコム製品に対するタイの製品承認です。イヤホン、Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT など。Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT NBTC 承認とも呼ばれます。 詳細については、当社のウェブサイトをご覧ください: またはお問い合わせ:
  • 製品をアジアで試験および承認するために送るメリットは何ですか?
    これは、リード タイムと費用対効果の高いトピックです。ほとんどの企業は、予定どおりに製品を市場に投入する予定です。また、製品の承認は、製品が市場に出る最後のステップです。そのため、予算も納期も厳しい。アジアには大量の OEM/ODM/製造工場があります。その結果、製品の承認に関連するテスト ラボやサービス会社が他の国に比べてはるかに多くなっています。膨大な数のプロジェクトと激しい競争により、承認ビジネスはすでにアジアで非常に成熟しています。テストのスケジュール、コスト、サポート、およびサービスの選択肢が増えました。私たちは、海外のお客様が何万ものプロジェクトを処理するのを支援してきました。彼らは、効率的なリードタイム、コスト、およびサービスに満足していました。
  • ブラジルの ANATEL 承認とは何ですか?
    ANATEL 承認は、ワイヤレスおよびテレコム製品に対するブラジルの製品承認です。イヤホン、Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT など。Bluetooth スピーカー、Wifi、AP、ワイヤレス スキャナー、スマートフォン、IOT ANATEL 承認とも呼ばれます。 詳細については、当社のウェブサイトをご覧ください: またはお問い合わせ:
  • 2024非洲認證單位假期有哪些?
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